Shaun Dissanayake

2025 පෙබරවාරි කලාපය

A Tale of two loves

Here is a tale of two lover maybe it’s not true love but it’s love never the less.
When both parties know this love is forbidden..
A foreboding feeling looms.. but when doom hangs over.. the significant other swoops in and saves the day..
One has already committed to another relationship..
The other wants that relationship..
The two forbidden lovers are close..
But that love is forbidden due to unseen forces pulling each other apart even though they are drawn together like magnetics..
The forbidden lovers bring the best out of each other when they are in each others company..
He will always catch her when she falls and in turn she will catch him when he slips..
This tale of two lovers is like the tale of Romeo and Juliet..
Both have a dark murky past..
But when they are both together their light shines so bright because he loves to see the smile that rests upon her face his favourite curve..
An she loves to be around his presence because she feels good around him..
But never the less this a tale of two lovers who are forbidden to be lovers or even friends.
But he is destined to be for ever alone to walk into the abyss alone and cold ..
And she was never meant to be is love and that’s the saddest part of this tale...

Photo credit; Mayur Gala
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