Woman's Body
Woman's Body
Woman's body
is a product in the market
it has a price .
Long ago
when the bartering was in place
a little bees honey ,
a few sea shells
did the trick.
Today like anything else
price has gone up.
Upgraded too
dark glasses covering
the blinking eyes
like stars at night
slim ivory coloured body
mounted on high heels
swinging captivatingly.
When you say one word
ten uttered in return as a bonus
Go to the market
you see many products
strangely enough
this product is selling
all the other products
because this is the smartest
eye catching
and the mother of all products.
If you are caught
by the charm of the original
you take home
what you really don't need .
So be careful when it is in action
watch you steps closely
think twice before commiting
Switch on your TV
You see the original all over
selling the others and self too
Taking the
original itself home
Is not that simple
when the urge is running high
You try other ways
pay the price
in Dollars, Rupees or pounds
take it to a private place
(mind you -not home!
Because the others would see
that you are up to mischief)
for one hour or one night
stronger the coins
better the performance is
you leave the product at daybreak
by the wayside
or tell it to get lost.
No quarters asked
No quaters.given
This happened when Bhudda was living
It happens today
It will happen in the future
If there is one after the Putin's war
Sometimes you fall head over heels
for it
You run in circles
watch from distance
admire the product
from all angles
begin to feel
that you are going to die
without it
so you get closer hesitantly
Invite the product home
If accepted
you take the product home
but remember
you have to pay the price !
this time not in rupees and cents !
Slowly comes the realization
of the gravity of what you have done
now you begin to feel
you are going to die
because of it.
Whatever happens thereafter
you can not ask the product
to get out or get lost
what do you say my friends ?
Leave it ?
or live with it. ?
Woman's body is an irressistable
magnet. Buddha said that nothing
Is more attactive to the men
on the earth .Man falls in to trouble
thinking that eternal bliss will
prevail once they are in. When the
opposite happens it will be
too late to regret. Sometimes
men get caught knowing very
well what is in store. That is how
and why this magnet is called
Woman's body
is a product in the market
it has a price .
Long ago
when the bartering was in place
a little bees honey ,
a few sea shells
did the trick.
Today like anything else
price has gone up.
Upgraded too
dark glasses covering
the blinking eyes
like stars at night
slim ivory coloured body
mounted on high heels
swinging captivatingly.
When you say one word
ten uttered in return as a bonus
Go to the market
you see many products
strangely enough
this product is selling
all the other products
because this is the smartest
eye catching
and the mother of all products.
If you are caught
by the charm of the original
you take home
what you really don't need .
So be careful when it is in action
watch you steps closely
think twice before commiting
Switch on your TV
You see the original all over
selling the others and self too
Taking the
original itself home
Is not that simple
when the urge is running high
You try other ways
pay the price
in Dollars, Rupees or pounds
take it to a private place
(mind you -not home!
Because the others would see
that you are up to mischief)
for one hour or one night
stronger the coins
better the performance is
you leave the product at daybreak
by the wayside
or tell it to get lost.
No quarters asked
No quaters.given
This happened when Bhudda was living
It happens today
It will happen in the future
If there is one after the Putin's war
Sometimes you fall head over heels
for it
You run in circles
watch from distance
admire the product
from all angles
begin to feel
that you are going to die
without it
so you get closer hesitantly
Invite the product home
If accepted
you take the product home
but remember
you have to pay the price !
this time not in rupees and cents !
Slowly comes the realization
of the gravity of what you have done
now you begin to feel
you are going to die
because of it.
Whatever happens thereafter
you can not ask the product
to get out or get lost
what do you say my friends ?
Leave it ?
or live with it. ?
Woman's body is an irressistable
magnet. Buddha said that nothing
Is more attactive to the men
on the earth .Man falls in to trouble
thinking that eternal bliss will
prevail once they are in. When the
opposite happens it will be
too late to regret. Sometimes
men get caught knowing very
well what is in store. That is how
and why this magnet is called