මහාචාර්ය ඉන්දිකා තිලකුමාර Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya

2025 මාර්තු කලාපය

Musical chairs

Men and women
Young and old
Dancing around chairs
to catch one

No body minds the steps
No body minds the rhythm
Just keeping an eye
on a chair

Music stops for a second
Those who are quick
And alert
Get one

Music begins
Every one dances around
Until the next break

(Vicious cycle) continues,
Those who are too eager
Miss the chair sometimes

Aren't we all
Mere dancers?
Dancing around a chair
Just waiting for the

Can we do it
to the eternity?

Don't we lose
The joy of dancing
And the rhythm
because of our
focusing on the chair

Enjoy the dance
Enjoy the rhythm
Listen,see,feel and Dance
Before the music is over
My dear

Photo Credit; Marisa Howenstine
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